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Question about CHATS

Posted: Thu May 28, 2015 1:46 pm
by tjadmin
Hi everyone! I have a question for those that have attended the chats in the past and are likely to attend future chats, as we do have several people that manage to get invited to every one of them. So, how many of you have voice capabilities? Meaning you have a microphone/speakers. It is possible that we could allow you to actually SPEAK your questions, then be on just the typing chat otherwise, but I've hesitated to put that out there because I don't think it would be fair if everyone didn't have the same chance. Anyway, do most of you have that capability?

This is NOT something I've run by TJ either so always possible he wouldn't want it to happen that way, for a variety of reasons, but I honestly would love it if each of you that take the time to be a part of this little TJ world could actually speak to him, if only for a minute. I do realize this could also create time issues so it is really something we would have to talk about. But if most of you could do the voice thing I'd be willing to take it to TJ once we worked out the logistics of it. What do you think??????


Re: Question about CHATS

Posted: Thu May 28, 2015 4:50 pm
by stargazer
I do have the capability, even though the last couple times we tried it didn't work. It was probably an issue with my laptop though. It would be great to be able to talk directly to TJ! :D

Re: Question about CHATS

Posted: Thu May 28, 2015 5:21 pm
by Sinkwriter72
I've sat in on conference call chats (including one with you, Sharon! heeee), so I'd say it's a safe bet my computer has the capability. I imagine such an endeavor would require some testing but it might be fun if we could manage it and if TJ is on board! :D

Let us know if you need anything to test it, Sharon.

Re: Question about CHATS

Posted: Fri May 29, 2015 3:41 am
by ThyneAlone
Well, you know I have audio, Sharon! And visuals too if required. I don't know much about how these things work though. Would it slow things down (I don't mean from a conversational point of view - we can probably get that under control - I mean does it slow things technologically and/or make it difficult if one or two people have problems with their connection or equipment)?

Look forward to hearing more on this one.

Re: Question about CHATS

Posted: Fri May 29, 2015 9:13 am
by skftex
Well yes, there could be problems. I think in order to do it I'd have to just let one person on audio at a time, and who knows what sort of technical difficulties someone could have. So we'd have to have a plan should that happen. But unless we get a bigger response it isn't something I'm going to spend a lot of time on or even mention to TJ. I appreciate Kathy & Sherry answering of course! :romance-smileyheart:

Re: Question about CHATS

Posted: Fri May 29, 2015 9:46 am
by Sinkwriter72
:romance-smileyheart: :dance:

Re: Question about CHATS

Posted: Sat May 30, 2015 9:17 am
by TJ4ever
Well, depends on when the next chat will be! ;) I hope to get a new computer/notebook with voice capabilities but don't know when I can afford it. So, at the moment I don't have voice capabilities. :(

I like the idea. You already said that - if it's happening - you let only one other speak as it might slow things down otherwise. I think that's a good because maybe there is a risk that suddenly everybody is talking and it would be very confusing.

:music-singing: :sci-fi-beamup: